Saturday, March 27, 2010

Day 43: Blast from the Past

Have you ever thought of what it would be like to go back into the past?

I just saw Hot Tub Time Machine, and not only was it hilarious, it got me thinking....

What if I could go back in time anc change things?

I sometimes wish I could. I would do so many things differently.

First I would have never quit dancing. I also would have started Venice High School my freshman year. I would have tried alot harder in school. I would have been more spontaneous. I would have helped my parents out more. I would have dressed up everyday of my life. I would try new things without hesitation. I wouldn't have gotten braces. I would have changed some things about some relationships I had, and much more.

What would you do if you could go back?



Friday, March 26, 2010

Day 42: March Madness

People go nuts over this stuff!

I don't quite understand it myself, but I should start considering I'm going into sports journalism.

I like basketball but I don't think I love it enough to watch it all the time.

So who is everyone rooting for?



Thursday, March 25, 2010

Day 41: Celebrity Gossip

What is it that makes Brangelina fans go crazy?

What about the fact that millions of people will mourn the day of Micheal Jackson's death for the rest of their lives?

It's weird how so many people worry about celebrities live more then their own. I mean I'm one for gossip, but some people go nuts!

I here little girls freak out because they just found out Miley Cyrus is older than them! or that one of the Jonas Brothers is now married.

These poor little girls going nuts over someone and then it breaks there heart.

When are people going to start taking care of themselves instead of worrying about them?

Obviously it is a source of entertainment, but who cares is Brad cheated on you care that the guy you never talk to down the street is cheating on his wife?

I honestly think Hollywood has separated the world. I feel like celebrities have a totally different way of living then us. They eat differently, dress differently, and even have babies differently (Tom Cruise). But then again some people could say they are the same as everyone else....because in the end they have feelings too :]

What is some good celebrity gossip you have heard recently?



Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Day 40: Let's Talk About Sex

No not female or male. The actually act.

I don't feel like sex is talked about enough in our everyday lives. I was lucky to have a mom who was open enough to talk to me about sex and the effects of it.

I feel like I am more aware of what goes on and what happens after being able to openly talk about it with my mom. I am well educated about the act and have a full understanding of what goes on.

Some teens now a days don't understand the dangers of sex sometimes. It is known that 1 out of every 4 college students have an STD. I got to a school with 65,000 people. So that is A LOT of people to have STDs.

The first thing that usually comes to mind with teens when having sex is "I don't want to get pregnant", but I think the whole STD thing is in the back of your mind. Birth control isn't going to help out with that. That is why I think you should ALWAYS use a condom unless you know who the person has been with or if you get tested. I think everyone should also be tested no matter what, it is a good thing to do.

I think you should think before you do anything drastic, and always be careful.



Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Day 39: Addictions

You know some people have addictions.

Alot of people seem to think mine is Facebook. Well it kind of is, I am ALWAYS on it. But I also have plenty other addictions.

For example:

1) I'm addicted to Diet coke, I have drank it all my life and trust me you can't take it away from me
2) I'm addicted to making lists, it helps me stay organized and know what have to get done. If you came into my room right now you would see like 3 or four lists on my desk
3) I'm addicted to being on time. I hate being late because it throws me way off balance. I have a calander sitting at my desk and I have a day timer in my purse that helps me know where and I need to be and what I need to do on time.
4)I'm addicted to my phone. It usually never leaves my side. I'm always playing with it, looking at it, or on facebook on it (see the addiction?)
5)I'm addicted to food. That really isn't a good one, but i mean who isn't? I always need to be eating something one way or another it seems like. Ugh I need to kick that.

How about your addictions?



Monday, March 22, 2010

Day 38: Relationships

They can be tough. They can be easy.

Whether it is a best friend or your boyfriend/girlfriend there is always something hard about it.

I recently just ended my 2 in half year relationship. I felt like I had to do it so I could get my life on track. I know alot of people didn't understand where I was coming from, but I guess I'm the only one that will know.

I feel sometimes you have to be on your own for a while to figure everything out. I have a huge life a head of me and being tied down is not what I'm willing to do right now. I need to do things for me for once.

Even with best friends. There are times that a best friend can get in the way of your life too. I have had friends that have tied me down and stressed me out and I had to deal with it and maybe step back and let my self go for a change.

I wonder if everyone has this problem. I'm glad I had the realization that I needed to think for myself this time.



Sunday, March 21, 2010

Day 37: What were they thinking?

What were my teachers thinking when assigning homework that is due right after spring break?

Who else has as much homework as I do?

I have an exam this week. I have a quiz tomorrow night. A paper due tomorrow bye 2:00. Also ALL my Italian HW is due tuesday by noon.

This couldn't get anyworse :/

