Sunday, February 28, 2010

Day 16: Legalization

A very big controversy in America today is whether or not Marajuana should be legal.

Well here is my theory...

First off, I feel that if it was legalized then crime rates would possibly go down. No more killings, nor more sneaking around, and no more thefts.

Second, the government could tax marajuana like crazy and even make a tax for people to grow it in their own homes. I mean they give it to people in hospitals with sicknesses anyways right?

Third, what does it hurt? Have you ever heard of anyone getting hurt from smoking weed? I don't think I have, maybe if they mix it with other drugs but you don't see alot of that either. Being in college I have been exposed to a bunch of different things and I do believe I have never seen anyone hurt by marajuana. Yet again it is obviously not painful if they are prescribing it in hospitals.

So what do you think about this? What experiences have you seen with marajuana?




Lacey said...

No one has ever or will ever be killed from cannabis. It may hurt your lungs but that’s not any different from cigarettes, alcohol, or junk food hurting your body. In addition, if one really wishes to remain healthy, they can smoke out of a vaporizer and then even their lungs would not be injured.

I feel that the government should not be able to tell us that we cannot smoke the buds of a plant. You should not be able to legislate your own morality. Eating poison ivy is not illegal, yet that would harm us even more than weed would. In general, Arizona's laws about pot are ridiculous and much too strict. We need to be more like California if you ask me.

You are correct in saying it would solve a lot of problems. Financially the country would be better off, medically people would suffer less, citizens could smoke weed instead of ingesting addicting painkillers that have worse side effects than the munchies. Those who are depressed or have anxiety could just smoke instead of being heavily sedated. Gangs who make money off the drug trade would lose and pretty much everyone else would only have something to gain. Overall, weed has been illegal (due to false propaganda spread in the 30s by large pulp paper and petrochemical companies that feared competition) for such a short period of time and it just so happens that we are unlucky enough to be living in this time.

How is possession of a plant a “crime?” We are wasting our tax dollars and time arresting and sending people to jail for having a bowl and some buds of a plant that in no way have been chemically altered. In Arizona, having even a small amount of cannabis is enough for a felony. So basically the law is saying that the 19 year old kid smoking a joint, eating bagel bites and watching SpongeBob in his house is as bad as that guy who raped someone in an alley because they both then have felonies. Does that seem fair or logical in the slightest? Absolutely not.
Like alcohol (I actually feel that marijuana is safer and better for you than booze, but that’s another long story) marijuana should be regulated and you should not be able to go to school or work high nor drive a car if you have had too much. Indeed, just like alcohol, some people don’t know what is appropriate or can’t stop but that is the same with anything (booze, ciggs, fast food, sex, cheating, whatever). I, myself have been a heavy smoker since I turned 16 and have been smoking almost every day for the past four years. In highschool I took A and Honors classes, had a fabulous GPA and grade point average, played sports in and outside of school, was an Editor of my high school paper, has a lot of friends, a job, and a good relationship with my family. Weed does not make you stupid; it relaxes you and helps you get through a rough day (kind of like dessert). When you can contol it and put certain responsibilities before it, there is absolutely nothing wrong with marijuana. It is God's gift to humans. End of story. =)

This is a long comment, but this is probably my favorite subject to talk about in the world haha. Good job Chels, keep writing about important things ;)

Kim Bolyard said...

I myself have no use for smoking pot...cant even stand to be around cigarette smoke....but I tend to agree with a lot of points from the previous post....
