Saturday, February 13, 2010

Day 1: The Beginning

So i finally got the inspirations to start a Blog, well here I am. I'm not necessarily a "blogger" but I am an avid Facebooker so I think I will be ok at this.

My name is Chelsea Bolyard and I am a student at Arizona State University. I am majoring in Broadcast Journalism. I am 19 years old and enjoy sports and music. I am originally from Florida and came to ASU just because of their journalism school. I also work for the ASU wrestling team as a student manager. I am a freshman here and I have been loving every minute of it.

Recently I watched a video for one of my classes that was about my generations and their views on our society. It really got me interested in what my peers think and so that is what this is all about.

Over the course of the next year I plan to post once a day on various subjects that inspire my gernation today. Social views, favorite things in life, and a typical day of a college student are all subjects that will be discussed and more. This blog will be totally interactional so everyone feel free to comment, ask questions, and post insight on what you think.

I know I said this was geared towards my generation, but older generations don't hesitate to say what you feel. We do like to know what you are thinking too (whether we say we do or not).

Hopefully everyone will do a daily check up :]

So, today my first topic will be....Blogs haha

Go ahead and leave tips and insight on a blog you may have and what motivates you to keep it going. This can be about a blog like this one, a facebook, or even a personal written journal (you know that ones people used to have when there were no computers ;] )

Thanks guys!!!



Anonymous said...

It think that you starting a blog is a great idea. It will be something that I will check everyday. I feel like it's going to be a big hit! Keep writing! It's entertaining,very interesting, and chill.

Kim said...

so excited that you deceided to do this....I will promote it on my FB