Thursday, February 18, 2010

Day 6: Money Money Money MONEYYYY!

ok the title is a bit of a joke, have you ever watched Apprentice? Well that's the lyrics to the song on all of the season finale's when the person wins. Love it.

Well we all know that this economy is in a bit of a crisis. People losing jobs and homes. Wealthy people are starting to lose money to . There really needs to be soemthing done.

Right now my family is hurting big time and it is so hard with them having a child in college.

Luckily the government still gives out grants and loans so that I can get my education right away. I have started filling out my FAFSA and trying to find scholarships to put me through the next 3 in a half years to graduate on time. It is hard because now with this recession there is so much competition among students and "giving away money" isn't that easy anymore.

I've been trying to find others way to help me get through this rough time. Finding a job is probably the hardest thing to do especially in a college town. All of my friends don't even have jobs and that is enough competition right there.
Also finding the TIME to actually have a job that wants you. Being a full time student is a job in itself, along with being involved with school you have so much on your plate.

Don't forget spending money for food, clothes, and the occasional night out.

It's really rough out there....

So today's question:

What are some idea's for making money for college? What have you come up with in the past to start saving for college? Also, share some thoughts and ideas on what you might be going through and how many sacrafices you have had to make since this economic down grade.



1 comment:

Kim Bolyard said...

winning the lotto would fix everything...LOL
