Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Day 39: Addictions

You know some people have addictions.

Alot of people seem to think mine is Facebook. Well it kind of is, I am ALWAYS on it. But I also have plenty other addictions.

For example:

1) I'm addicted to Diet coke, I have drank it all my life and trust me you can't take it away from me
2) I'm addicted to making lists, it helps me stay organized and know what have to get done. If you came into my room right now you would see like 3 or four lists on my desk
3) I'm addicted to being on time. I hate being late because it throws me way off balance. I have a calander sitting at my desk and I have a day timer in my purse that helps me know where and I need to be and what I need to do on time.
4)I'm addicted to my phone. It usually never leaves my side. I'm always playing with it, looking at it, or on facebook on it (see the addiction?)
5)I'm addicted to food. That really isn't a good one, but i mean who isn't? I always need to be eating something one way or another it seems like. Ugh I need to kick that.

How about your addictions?



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